About Me

Hi, welcome to our blog! Jerry and I have been married for 12 wonderful years! After years of struggling to have children, we met an amazing boy and are now trying to adopt him!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Where we are in the process...

Hi everyone, it’s been a little while since my last post, so I thought it was time for an update. I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes! Jerry usual edits the blog posts for me, but he has been so busy with work lately, being that it’s the end of the school year and all.
So we are about 2/3 done with our home study, just waiting on a few more forms and finishing up the last of the paperwork. We have also started our Dossier, which is majorly overwhelming!!! Our adoption agent has been wonderful in answering all our questions, but there is just so much information, document gathering, plus everything we have to do to the documents. I feel like I’m under a mountain of papers, specific government regulations, and the ever-mounting costs of doing a dossier. Once G is home, I will hopefully know what it feels like to fully breathe again. :)

We were hoping to have G home with us in August, but that doesn’t seem likely now. The cost of everything has slowed things down quite a bit and we are trying to figure out how to pay for it all. It’s very stressful. We also haven’t been able to talk to him in a while. We weren’t even able to talk to him on his birthday! :( Every call we make we end up talking to another child in the orphanage that speaks broken English and they hardly can tell us where he is in the English they do know.
When I feel overcome with sadness that he isn’t here with us, won’t be here this summer, and become overwhelmed with all the costs that are slowing things down a lot, I can’t help but tell myself God will provide. God knows our story, He wrote our story, God will provide. I fully believe that! Unfortunately G won’t be here this summer to have two parents that love him so much and want to be right there by his side. It might not happen in my time, but it will happen in God’s and He will provide! We appreciate all the prayers and positive thoughts that people have and continue sending our way!

So on a lighter note, I thought I’d share a little story about when G was here. When G first arrived he would sleep well into late morning. The first week or so we figured it was because of the time change and jet lag, only to find out later that he was actually staying up late, pretending to sleep when we checked on him, and looking at the new books he had been given. So after discussing with him that he has a bed time so that he can get up and do fun things during the day, that still didn’t seem to help lessen his desire to stay up just a little later and look at the books. We played around with different times to start waking him in the morning, so he wouldn’t sleep the day away. We found that 8:30 am meant he wasn’t tired and he’d still have a great day without getting tired during the day. The only problem was that he was so hard to wake up. We would seriously spend anywhere from a half hour to an hour slowly getting him out of bed. Every morning I would go in singing, “Rise and shine. And give God your glory glory…” while opening his shade and continue to try and get him out of bed.

One day G and I were in the car and Taylor Swift’s, “Shake it off,” came on. He started dancing and singing with the biggest smile on his face. Later another Taylor Swift song came on and he was singing and dancing again. That’s the day I found out he is a huge Taylor Swift fan. While laying in bed that night replaying my day, as pretty much all women do, I had an idea. What if I played some Taylor Swift songs and danced around while waking him up.

So the next morning, after doing some shopping for music the night before, I opened his door and sang the usual rise and shine song. There was no movement. Then I started to play “Shake it off,” and a foot started to move with the beat. Then the other started to wiggle. Soon he jumped up on the bed and started dancing and singing. We soon found out he’s a huge Maroon 5 fan too, which I was more than happy about, and added them to our play list. Every morning after that I continued that routine, even noticing sometimes he would already be up, but pretend to sleep (kiddo, I just saw you get up and walk to the bathroom and back to your bedroom)just so we could have our dance parties together. I started adding in new songs that he’d hear on the radio for the first time and tell us he really liked. I miss those morning dance parties very much.

As the paperwork keeps piling up, my hands keep cramping from filling out forms, and the cost of everything becomes scarier and overwhelming, I, again, keep reminding myself that God has a plan and I’m pretty sure God wants me to have my dance partner back just as much as I do. :)


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